Congratulations on creating your Android project! Now, let's delve into the UI development by opening the activity_main.xml file and making some interesting changes to the default "Hello World" text.
Upon opening activity_main.xml in Android Studio, you'll encounter the following components:
Let's break down what we have here:
Switch to the "XML Text Editor with Preview" mode (middle button in item 2) to see the XML code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""
android:text="Hello World!"
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
The first line catches our attention:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This is the header of all XML files in Android. It specifies the XML version and text encoding. You don't need to worry about it; just remember that all Android XML files will have this header.
Next, we see our screen layout. Specifically, it's a ConstraintLayout containing a TextView, where:
We see that the container contains other elements. However, a view CANNOT contain other elements. This is important to remember!
If we want to change something on the screen, we need to edit the XML file. This can be done using the visual editor or the text editor. I prefer the second option because I can show what and how to change. To change the "Hello World!" text on the screen, we need to replace the android:text attribute value in the TextView element from "Hello World!" to, for example, "Start Develop":
android:text="Hello World!"
Replace with:
android:text="Start Develop"
And we see the following result:
We changed the XML and saw that the preview for our screen changed. Let's go through the basic XML attributes that all elements, both View and containers, have:
You may have noticed that attributes have prefixes:
Let's play around and add a couple of attributes to our TextView to see how they work. We'll do the following:
And we see the following result:
You may have noticed that Android Studio highlighted the height attribute in pixels. In Android, DP is almost always used for element sizes. 1 DP is not equal to 1 PX. This unit is calculated by the system itself. These size units allow for a very similar design of the same layout on different screen sizes. Just remember that ELEMENT SIZES ARE SPECIFIED USING DP.
We covered the basics of UI development using XML. In the next lesson, we will get more acquainted with the TextView element. Now you can run the program and see how it will look.